Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dover and Nottingham


I will be ordering a new computer today!!! VERY EXCITED ABOUT THIS. It will have arrived at my household prior to my departure from England.


Has any heard of the "White Cliffs of Dover"? Yes, I did get to see them! It was quite the train ride to get to Dover which was the location of a castle very used to war. After taking pictures in the bay area, we hiked up a huge hill towards to top of the chalky, white cliffs. Once on top, we entered a castle that felt like a minature fortress. It was pretty neat and we darted for the best sight over the North Sea. I got some magnificent pictures on top the Dover cliffs!! Get this, I saw France in the distance!! It is only 21 miles away, but luckily it was a clear day outside. After looking out we decided to look at a roman lighthouse and go up high within the castle keep. Upon the castle keep, we could see France even more clear than the look out. It was such a beautiful sight with ships moving across the sea and the wind blowing in your ear. After this, and upon our exiting of the castle, we went down into "medival" tunnels. These were pretty neat, for the most part, but it would have been nice to see the SECRET WAR TIME TUNNELS!!! (all tours were booked :(...). This was a nice Saturday trip and we got back to base much earlier than most nights.

The next day, a friend of mine and I went to a historical city called NOTTINGHAM!! Can anyone say ROBINHOOD??? Yes, it was a very "new-age" city with a huge shopping mall and lots of college life. We took a tour into the city caves where leather was made in about 1 year and 3 months time. The stories we heard in the caves were a little disturbing but they provided shelter during WWII! :) The caves were made out of sandstone. After we had come up from the caves, we had to shop a little. We got some fancy, fine chocolate and made our way back to base after first visting the most haunted building in the whole U.K. - it also housed an exhibit on ROBINHOOD!!! WHOOT. Thank goodness we had some interaction with the person who made this place so famous!

Got to go! My break is up at work and I am lucky to have access to this very fine internet connection.

Later gators,


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